Brand: The Hello Cup. Campaign: Christmas. Service: InfluencerMarketing.
We worked with reusable sanitary products company, The Hello Cup to educate audiences on the benefits of moving to reusable sanitary products and remove stigma. We wanted to focus on The Hello Cup’s starter pack, positioning it as an ethical Christmas gift. We partnered with female influencers to talk about their experience with the products and why they’d chosen to make the move away from disposable sanitary products.
5x influencers, 5x Instagram posts, 25x story frames
189,479 total reach, 230,185 total impressions
230,185 post engagement, 1,719 of which were website clicks.
1,176 actions taken from stories, 594 of which were The Hello Cup sticker taps and 432 of which were website visits.
358 discount codes used
9% post engagement rate (industry standard is between 1-2%)